Articles by "Animal"

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Today we can share marvelous pictures of Leopards. Leopards are pretty and powerful big cats closely related to lions, tigers, and jaguars. Most leopards are light coloured, with distinctive dark spots that are called rosettes, because they resemble the shape of a rose. Leopards are skilful hunters who prefer to hunt at night. They can also hunt from trees, where their spotted coats allow them blend with leaves until they spring with a deadly pounce.
The most secretive and elusive of the large carnivores, the leopard is also the clever.  Leopard is strongest climber of the large cats, and capable of killing prey larger then itself. A leopard is so strong and comfortable in trees, that it often hauls its kills into branches. By dragging the bodies of large animals aloft, it hopes to keep them safe from scavengers such as hyenas.
Leopards are strong swimmers and are very much at home in the water, where they sometimes eat fish or crabs. Leopards come in a wide variety of coat colours, from a light buff or tawny in warmer, drier areas to a dark shade in deep forests. Dense bush in rocky surroundings and Forest Rivers are their beloved place, but they accommodate to many places in both warm and cold climates.
Below are some awesome pictures of leopards which I can take from different source on internet. Hope you will like them if you like share on social media

Today we can share with you the amazing info and pictures of giraffe. Giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. Some male are 5.48 meters tall, weigh up to 1000 kg. A giraffe’s neck alone is over 1.82 meters long and weight 272 kilogram’s. The legs of a giraffe are also around 1.82 meters long. Then if all of that length wasn’t enough for these marked giants, they have yet another tool to distend their reach. Giraffes’ tongues are 45.72 centimeters long – long enough to reach around the thorns of the acacia trees whose leaves are their favorite food. A giraffe’s heart is 60 centimeters long and weighs about 11 kilogram’s and its lungs can hold 55 liters of air! Is it any wonder that they are considered to be giants among animals?
A giraffe needs a lot of food since it is so big. It may eat up to 34 kilograms of food per day. The acacia leaves that they love to eat contain a lot of water, so giraffes can go a long time without drinking. When giraffe get thirsty, they have to bend a long way own to drink from a lake or stream!
Both male and female giraffes have two distinct, hair covered horns. Male giraffes use their horns to playfully fight with one another. As male giraffes age, calcium deposits from on their skulls, and other horn-like bumps develop. The pattern on a giraffe’s coat is very good camouflage. Many people have been fooled into mistaking a giraffe for an old dead tree! Below are Pictures of this amazing and giant animal if you really like this stuff then don’t forget to share it on social media.

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