
Art is the expression of a human creative skill and imagination typically in a phenomenal form such as painting or statue art, originate works to be appreciated firstly for their beauty or sentimental power. Art have various types and people choose dissimilar ways to show their drawing or imagination.
Sand art is also a part of art. Sand art is the practice of drill sand into an artistic form, such as a sand brushing, sand statue, sand painting, bottles. A sand chateau is a type of sand sculpture resembling a small building, often a fortalice.
Sand and water are available in sufficiency near a beach .most of these sand art play are held near beach. Because in beach the sand is available in high limits and structure.
These sand painting or statue art  are typically made by children, simply for the fun of it, but there are also sand-sculpture contests for adults that involve large, complex constructions.
Today i can share with you the amazing creativity of art on sand. We share with you 25 amazing sand art design pictures. Which will gives you new creativity in your mind whenever you go to beach you also want to make a design on sand. If you like the pictures then don’t forget to share them on social media.


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